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What is Mizu?

Mizu is an effortless – some say, magical – way to pay your bill at selected restaurants in Dublin.

To get started, download Mizu for iPhone, create an account, and securely add your credit or debit card details. You will then see a list of nearby restaurants that accept Mizu. When you arrive at any restaurant that accepts Mizu, simply check-in with two taps, and let your server know that you wish to pay with Mizu. Mizu will automatically notify you with a receipt once you’ve been successfully billed.

Mizu is 100% free to use and will be available on the iOS app store early 2016.

Mizu is currently exclusively available for iPhone. As a small team, we have decided to focus our efforts on creating the best customer experience possible. It is a high priority of ours to get Mizu on all platforms as soon as we can.


Mizu is created by Youssef Sarhan and Apisit Toompakdee. Youssef and Apisit are from Ireland and Thailand, respectively. Together they have worked on a variety of projects, and Mizu is our latest creation. Mizu is a limited company with offices in Dublin, Ireland.

Youssef Sarhan
Designer & Co-founder
Apisit Toompakdee
Engineer & Co-founder

Mizu Screenshots

[Adding Credit Card][Notification Screen][Receipt Screen/Rating]

[Checked-in customers] [Customer Take Payment screen] [Sucessful payment]

Mizu Logo


The "M" in Mizu is always capitalized.

🚫 Mizu is not MIZU.
🚫 Mizu is not Mizu App.
🚫 Mizu is not Get Mizu.

✅ Mizu is Mizu.


Nice things people have written about us.


Mizu Technologies Ltd.
6–9 Trinity Street,
Dublin 2,
